Hi Everyone,
My name's Kudrat and well... This is my blog.
I'll explain first of all who I am and then what this blog is going to be about, why I created it and what I plan to do. So, try to finish reading it ^^
Since at the moment I'm only 17, whatever you find on this blog is going to be from a teen perspective. To add I'm going to be in my final year of high school and i'll be sending in college applications through UCAS in less than 2 months (major >~<).
I know more or less what path I'm thinking of... However, I'm not sure if that's the path I want to walk on. If people ask me what my dream is? I can honestly look everywhere (the ground, the bushes, their shoes, their hair, the sky, the trees, the people I didn't notice before, the birds who'd apparently been chirping, the ... it can go on).
If I'm asked what I like it basically comes to this:
TV (I've been obsessed with movies, tv-shows, and since beginning 2010 it expanded to the rest of Asia and wasn't only limited to Europe and India)
Since the plots and the stories are so different in each continent (Europe and Asia) it's kept me very busy all these years and since I found asian dramas that one fateful day somewhere in 2010, it's opened my eyes. In a way.
Different languages, different cultures... Everything , this world we live in and what we do... All of it is amazing, and I never saw it in that way before.
Europe is where I'm born and raised. India, where my cultural heritage is from.
I'd been the confused type, the 'I can't even choose a favorite color type' and the 'having a dilemma over ever little thing' type for far too long.
I don't really know myself, I have difficulty with pinpointing things or talking about myself and create dilemmas over every little thing, I want to change and I am going to. Because I don't like how indecisive I am, I don't like how I use my time knowing I shouldn't be doing whatever I am (which is usually catching up on this week's episodes).
With this blog I will try to decipher what I love... Whether it's becoming a doctor (which my parents have been pushing me into for so long) or whether it's something else... This blog is going to focus on one of my passions, though I don't know if that's a word I can use...
Well, as I go along you guys will see ^^
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